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Taking picture with actors of “Eight Gods Crossing the Sea”.


Drama is a composite art, not only the crystal of historic culture, but the reflection of life pleasure.Beauty of drama not only represents in painting, opera, and dance, but also represents in music and singing and reading of lyrics.Especially our Chinese opera is considered one of our traditional operas.After the research, we are acquainted with Chinese opera, and that let us feel the sublime and depth of such art, which is vast and marvelous.Yet, it takes our real in-depth study and modify and experience it, we then may discover the attraction of Chinese opera.


May be it is due to the immense substance, solid requirements, perfect lines and wording, it is highly difficult to learn, that’s why modern people seldom access Chinese opera, and even less understand it deeply.In fact, as long as you try to contact and understand, you will not only feel getting into a treasure island, but also feel the pleasure to appreciate it without tiredness.


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Experiencing instruments of literary and martial setting.

In order to understand the art beauty of Chinese opera, we collected related books and articles to read and sort out, and interviewed Professor Qiu-Gui Lee and Iu-Li Chang who currently teach at the National Taiwan College of Performing Arts, and President Zhao-Hu Chen of Gougunag Opera Company as well.Through the scholarship of two professors and the experience of President Chen, we introduced the formation and the development features of Chinese opera to you with simple words and picture aids, wish to let more people know the Chinese opera that has been developed for more than two hundred years.Besides our personal feeling of Chinese culture essence, but we may know how the Guoguang Opera Company promoted the multiplicity and localization of Chinese opera on Taiwan with the changes of Chinese opera along the ages, and tried to combine the merits of the old and the new.What are the breakthrough outcomes?Whether the classic and modernity blended together?Let’s see.

Reference: edited by the research team
Source of Photos: photography by the research team

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