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Costume and properties back the stage.


No matter we watched the Chinese opera on TV or in-person to watch the stage play, there is a characteristic that along the accurate Mandarin vocal and the instrument played music,it represents the four major types of Chinese opera—sheng, tan, ching, chou--with make-up to perform vividly.When the curtain off, they stepped down nicely, audience felt the artistic aesthetics with anarchism.Especially with the various facial make-up art and colorful costume and properties, actors represent on the stage without limits that enriches the staging visualization, and let the audience busy in watching.


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Materials for make-up.

In order to further understand the setting of the stage, make-up materials and techniques of the actors, style and functions of the costumes actors wore, types and the meanings of the facial make-up of the actors, and the performing forms of the actors on the stage of the Chinese opera, we revisited Guoguang Opera Company.From the narration of President Chen, we realized that most of the costumes, properties are imported from Mainland China.In addition, President Chen explained in-details the meanings of the facial make-ups represented.He even asked elder brother to teach us the skills of how to make up the facial style, and let us use the materials to do the make-up in person, and taught us how to put on the costume and use the properties.

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We prepared to experience in- person.


After experience in person, we then found out, that it takes tons of trainings and hardships for an actor to step on the stage.President Chen told us, that although the dressing and make-up of actors varied, yet the hardship can only be known by personal experience. In the interview process and learning experience, we deeply felt that to develop the art of traditional opera may undertake from the roots that may allow people to learn to appreciate the beauty of operas.

Reference: edited by the research team

Source of the Photos: photography by the research team

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