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Guoguang Opera Company represents the unique style of Taiwanese opera .

 Ever since the Guoguang Opera Company established, it works hard to promote traditional art culture to the international stage.President Chen indicated that there is special meaning for Taiwanese Chinese opera groups invited to overseas touring.First of all, it can uplift Taiwan’s international visibility.Based on the exquisite style of classic opera, and via international stage, the Company presents the cultural substance of Taiwan spirit and fully represents the beauty of Taiwanese art.In addition, it can enhance the international cultural interaction.Cultural art is the softest and most stylish way of promoting diplomacy.By way of performance, it can strengthen the friendship correlation between Taiwan and the nations all over the world.Besides learning from one another in terms of art, it will achieve vast assurance and feedback to Taiwan’s artistic fruition by the local people, and successfully reach the cultural interaction mission.Due to Guoguang Opera Company often been invited to overseas touring performance worldwide, below we only listed main points to introduce the fruits of activities:





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On its performance in Mainland China, Guoguang attracts mass audience.

◆2004 the Sixth ShangHai International Art Festival and Performance in Beijing

The seats of the performance in ShangHai and Beijing were almost entirely booked in advance.According to the local theater staff, “even free tickets from the Mainland opera company may not have this scene, especially many students going into the theater, it is unusual.” The trip of Guoguang not only conquered audience of ShangHei, but the self-esteemed fans of the Chinese opera original town, Beijing, admired.Stressed the unique style of Taiwanese opera aesthetics, the local newspaper praised, “By the unique artistic pursuing and marvelous art treatment, Guoguang represents Taiwanese art aesthetics and life force of creation, that brings immense enlightenment to the Chinese opera field of Mainland China.”





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via international stage to uplift Taiwan’s visibility.

◆2006 Master of Chinese Opera:Switzerland and Italy Touring Performance

As the final program performed in the “Taiwan Week”activity at the Alhambra Theatre in Geneva, Switzerland, Guoguang received warm applauses from the near full occupancy of audience in the thank-you final curtain.Later, the Company performed in the opening program at the World Rhythm Festival.The Company did not use any microphone facilities, rather played with original sounds.The clear and crystal music surrounded in the theater, made all the audience loved to death.

After finishing performance in Switzerland, the Company went to Centro ZO at Catania, Sicilia, Italy to perform.They first launched demonstrations of “On and Off Stage to Watch Chinese Opera” for local students of elementary and high schools that received warm welcome and feedback from over 200 students.At night, the Company was paid attention from all areas.After 100-minute performance, the audience offered great hurray and big hands.Later, the Company went to Teatro Libero Palermo at Palermo to play for 4 consecutive shows.Each time, it attracted full-seats audience to appreciate the opera.The company then went to Teatro Savio of Sicilia, once again attracted nearly full-seats audience.

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The Company’s performance attracted local people to watch.

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Actress singing solo at he press conference.

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cultural interaction takes profession and efforts of the teamwork.

◆2009 the 8th “Chekhov International Theater Art Festival”

The Company has been invited by the Chekhov International Theater Art Festival to play “Gui-Ing Mu” in Moscow in 2003.It has been praised by local media as “Guoguang Opera Company from Taiwan was the most excellent performance in the Festival.”The Company went to Russia again in 2009 to the Mossovet Theatre, and successfully performed 4 shows.The activity attracted audience of Moscow with praise and attention.The theme of the festival was set up as “Circus.”In order to cope with the theme, the Company especially adopted “Sun Wu-Kong Fighting with Jade Mouse Fairy.”The story is by easy-going and vivid way to represent the counter-play between Sun Wu-Kong and Jade Mouse Fairy, and plus magnificent martial setting.Fairy and monsters show their talents with all sorts of weapons flying in the air, it is thrilling to the audience.

Guoguang Opera Company http://www.kk.gov.tw/ /sorted by the research team
Source of Photos: authorized and provided by Guoguang Opera Company

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