
Director of Guoguang Opera Company─Guan-Qiang Wang


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Interviewing director.

1. How did you enter the path of Chinese opera Director?
Ans: In the beginning, when I first walked on the path of director, it was because I was actor from the schooling.Our Lu-Guang Opera Company did not have professional training for director.Everybody learned from being actor.I remembered I entered the opera school since 4th and 5th grade of elementary school. From then on to senior high school, it took me 8 years, we called it schooling period.In the schooling period, we learned basic stuff of being actor.That means, if one would like to be an actor, in the first three years, we have to practice basic acting gong fu, which is called tan ze gong fu, ba ze gong fu, and basic gong fu.Basically, we have to work for a long time to achieve this stage.Therefore, to be director, basically you have to be actor for quite a long time to absorb various experiences, and to let other people think that you are good enough.The, you would have the opportunity to be director.

2.Please briefly explain how did you employ thoughts to let the traditional Chinese opera become more vivid and more interesting and more diverse?
Ans: In fact, Chinese opera belongs to traditional opera.There is a saying “there is new in the old, and roots in the new.”In order to let the Chinese opera be cope with modern society, besides keeping basic traditional art in it,we further add modern point-of-view to shorten the distance of traditional Chinese opera and modern people.In order not to let the Chinese opera faded away; therefore, we constantly pursuit change and newness in terms of script, properties and stage facilities.We wish everybody accept the performance of Chinese opera.

3.Please briefly explain when you adopt and direct an opera, how long does it take for the entire preparatory period? And how did you plan for it?
Ans: In the preparation of an opera, it primarily depends on the scope of the script.Script is the base of a play.Prior to the finalization of a script, it will constantly be revised.There once was a play script revised for seven times before its final version.Roles in the script normally will consider who is more suitable for which actor.Should there be no one suitable actor, the script needs to be revised.If everything is settled, then rehearse for one time.The most important thing is to let the actor shows his merits to fully develop the role in the script.Therefore, normally a play takes at least one year to prepare for the playwright and the director.


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Costume and properties in the back of the stage.

4.When you adopt and direct Chinese opera, how did you communicate with the entire team, such as actors, music players, and stage designers?
Ans: The primary task for a director at the beginning is to integrate the project of the preparation of a play.This includes deciding the concept and model of a story, and finding proper actors and working team.Once the project announced to commence, director has to make sure the smoothness of the execution of the project, and tries to solve various difficulties might occurred.Normally, prior to my writing and directing Chinese opera, I will communicate with the actors and working team to let them know their own jobs, and then distribute works.Certainly, during the process, different opinions may occur, everybody has to step backwards.And director has to develop his super PR capability and communication skills to maintain good cooperation atmosphere to encourage certain coercion.

5.Please briefly explain during your director life, which Chinese opera makes the most impression for you and why?
Ans: “Seven Dragon Pearl” is a very interesting and fictional Children Chinese opera play.A child has to fight with many adults.It is difficult to grasp the fictional and realistic.We may think of to defeat bad guys with one or two ways, but on the stage, the dramatic tension needs to be created.Yet, child’s acting is not so mature.Performance on the stage would be discounted somehow.This is the setback for me.

6.Have you ever occurred difficulties or challenges during adopted or directed Chinese opera?
Ans.: Sure, sometimes computer shut down and could not play the music, other times instruments and properties did work, then the performance was failed.In addition, actors were sick and could not perform, and the performance has to be postponed.


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Director directs a new opera “Eight Gods Crossing the Sea”.

7.If some young people would like to undertake adopt or direct Chinese opera, what suggestions would you offer them?
Ans.: In the beginning, actors started from basic training, and then required historic knowledge and literature foundation.Definitely, they need to know vocal, music tone and instrument.There are plenty assignments for Chinese playwright and director.He or she has to know plenty jargons, and know about stage setting up and lighting design very well.The most important is to have interest in knowing them.

8.Please briefly state your expectation to the future development of Chinese opera?
Ans: Chinese opera in modern society has become non-main stream culture, so we need to add some new stuff.Certainly, we wish young people could join and let the Chinese opera art pass down forever, and more people could access and appreciate Chinese opera as well.

Reference: research team interview with Director Mr. Guan-Qiang Wang of Guoguang Opera Company
Source of Photos: photography by the research team

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