
Professor of National Taiwan College of Performing Arts—Qiu-Gui Lee


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Interviewing professor.

1.Why you studied Chinese opera culture at first then?
Ans: In the beginning, Chinese opera culture not for study but for learning.For the real study, one needs to go to college and graduate school.The process of study and learning is different.Learning is to practice to perform; and study is to write up the articles or books of the nature, cultural art and historic data of Chinese opera to let people read.I was acquainted Chinese opera due to my father enjoyed watching operas, and sent me to opera school to study Chinese opera, and when I grew up, I turned to study.

2.What are the differences of the Chinese opera of the past and the present?
Ans: Nothing different in terms of performance, nor in procedures. Usually students begin to practice basic martial arts prior to the breakfast.Somewhat different is that in the past, female roles were played by males, but now they can be played by female actresses, and vise versa.In addition, the subject-matters are relatively different.Traditional Chinese opera is primarily by stories of loyalty, piety and righteousness.Modern Chinese operas also add the discussion of human nature and gender issue (such as lesbians).

3.The nowadays Chinese opera, in order to cope with time and attract audience, there are more innovations and changes that are distinctively different from the past performance.In so doing, whether the nature of original traditional Chinese opera culture lost?Please state your opinion.
Ans:The nature and performance of Chinese opera have no big change.Chinese opera already incorporated into world culture.There are only facilities and properties different in Chinese opera.For instance, in the past there were no much lighting, and plenty changes in foggy effects.However, the performance formula normally won’t change.The bigger change is some lighting and mist.We would add in some more modern theme, but not variety-show bits.Normally, history still as the theme, then the nature would not be faded.


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Professor asked student to teach us the performance skills of Chinese opera.

4.Is there any special training domestically to cultivate talents writing Chinese opera script, professional director, staging art design to develop the characteristics of Chinese opera culture?
Ans: In Chinese opera, if there were no good script, there would be no good opera; and without good actors, there is no way to represent the good side of the script.Therefore, each year, Taiwan would take place of playwright and director camp, for instance, National Taiwan College of Performing Arts and Chinese Culture University both have such cultivation training courses that invite professional opera director and playwriting talents to offer courses.

5.In your college, have you ever encounter difficulty in enrolling Chinese opera students?
Ans: Due to fewer kids tendency, enrollment is more difficult, we just did our best to enroll.We would wish the aborigines to participate.Because their bodies are better physically that can allow them to develop to another direction.Enrollment difficulty is a general question for every school nowadays.

6.In cultivating students to be Chinese opera actors, in your college, the cultivation process would be the same as that of the past?
Ans: Quite different.Schooling system is different.In early time, many schools allowed students going home only one week in the Chinese New Year holidays.Now only have classes 6 days in a week, time for learning gets less and less.In the past, there is physical punishment and scold, unlike present students who can no longer bear hardship.For instance, in the past, if one dear not jumping from high chair, teacher would beat him; but now changed to encourage, teacher no longer force the student.

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Opera House is the place for audience to watch and appreciate operas.

7.Is there a gap in your teaching of next generation of Chinese opera in your college? If yes, what is the cause?
Ans:If there were no student enrolled, then there would be a lag problem.So we wish there will be more students joined, and we may cultivate more talents of Chinese opera.

What is your expectation to the future development of Chinese opera?
Ans: The most important thing is to have people to watch Chinese opera more.For there are more audience, we may constantly perform, and welcome people who are interested in to learn Chinese opera, then, we would be better, and not just go to the movies or concerts.

Reference: research team interviewed with Professor of National Taiwan College of Performing Arts—Qiu-Gui Lee
Source of photos: photography by the research team

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