

【The Interesting Chinese Opera】

Learning Activities

Brand new Challenge

It is a brand new challenge for us to do the topic research. We listened carefully to the explanations from the teacher to understand our future tasks.

Learning from the Past Works

We thought that it is uneasy to accomplish the topic research. It took a great deal of time to look up the information, to read many books, and to interview and visit personally in order to build up the complete data step by step, and thus finish the research.

Building up Team Website Blog

We established our own team Blog, and the teacher told us how to discuss over the Net, and how to upload the data as well.

Deciding the Research Topic

After discussion, we finally decided to study Chinese Opera as the direction of the research, wishing that everyone knows the art and culture of it, and may appreciate it as well.

Appreciating Chinese Opera Film (“Knowing the Chinese Opera”)

We spent a whole afternoon to watch the art and culture of Chinese opera. In the film, we learned the facial make-up, stage properties, performing skills, features of the instruments, techniques of the singing vocals and so on, and has acquired a better understanding of the Chinese opera.

Appreciating Chinese Opera Film (“Trick in the Tricks of the Three Kingdom”)

In order to let us know how the actors play in the Chinese opera, teacher played the “Trick in the Tricks of the Three Kingdom” suitable for children to watch.

Designing Research Framework

Everybody presented one’s own opinions, and discussed with each other. Some students ideas were quite creative, which let me viewed the imagination of the peers. Eventually, teacher would divide our questions to collaboratively draw the framework of the research.

Setting up Proposal of the Research

Prior to doing a certain thing, one should first plan the timeframe, places, interview subjects, design questions, and allocation of work-load. In doing so, we may have a clear picture of how to undertake the task.

Collecting Data

We first collected information of the Chinese opera from the Internet, and found out that the data and pictures are bountiful. Besides, there are plenty books about the subject in the library. It could be said as a good start of success.

Sorting out Information

We started to trim and sort out the collected data!

Designing Questionnaire

We would like to know better about the contents of Chinese opera; therefore, visiting and interviews are necessary. Both the Guoguang Opera Company and DaDaoChen Opera House are the target subjects we wold like to a visit. We thus designed some questions and will go to visit them soon!

Interviewing Skills

Today, teacher told us some interview techniques, and wished us each one to be a professional reporter.

Promoting Chinese Opera Activities (Making Poster)

We intended to promote the Chinese opera culture on campus; therefore, propaganda is necessary.We then worked together to accomplish the poster in order to let peers to watch the show.

Promoting Chinese Opera Activities(Appreciating Chinese Opera “Trick in the Tricks of the Three Kingdom”)

We invited two classes to appreciate Chinese opera, everyone paid attention to watch it, and felt fantastic.

Creating Web pages

Began to learn to make web pages, we spent lots of time to slowly learned the sills of making web pages, and further to study plenty of software in making the web pages.In order to successfully accomplish the web pages, it took more time to practice.

Visiting Activities

Guoguang Opera Company

Visiting the rehearsal of “Eight Gods Crossing the Sea” of the Company which is going to be played in the International Flora Expo.We are honored to view it in advance.It is a marvelous performance.

Learning Chinese Opera in the DaDaoChen Opera House

We went to the Opera House to participate the Chinese opera promotion activity.In the beginning, elder brothers and sisters brought us to see the program, and then brought us to join the puzzle-breaking through activities (drawing facial make-up, wearing costumes, using state properties, performing skills, and playing instruments).After the learning experiences of the whole morning, we obtained fruitful achievements.

Appreciating Chinese Opera in the Chinese Palace Museum

In order to understand the various features of the Chinese opera better, we especially went to the Chinese Palace Museum to view the “Chai-Tou-Feng.”


President of the
Guoguang Opera Company

President Chen told us about how the Company has progressively promoted the art of the Chinese opera on Taiwan, and introduced us the characteristics of the Company and how it innovated to change.

Director of the Guoguang Opera Company

Director Wang explained to us the preparatory and noticeable matters while making an opera play, and how to overcome difficulties.

Section-Chief of the Guoguang Opera Company

Section-Chief Ms. Chang told us about the efforts the Company has made in the past few years to gradually uplift the quality of artistic standard of the opera, which let the opera walked through the sunset period to create outstanding Chinese opera with Taiwanese flavor.

Actor of the Guoguang Opera Company

The elder brothers and sisters told us how to be successful Chinese opera actors and actresses, and how to play the roles vividly.

Professor of the National Taiwan College of Performing Arts

Two professors told us how school cultivates students to be opera players, and the historic development and the cultural characteristics of the Chinese opera.


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