





Research group

Xin-Jie Gao

 Information gathering and sorting out

Participating in this activity not only offered me opportunities to know Guoguang Opera Company, and contacted the actors of Chinese opera, but also let me know it is uneasy to be a successful actor.It takes geat deal of time to practice and with lots of pressure.It is really a hardship.I believe that after been through the learning process, we grow up a lot.It is a meaningful study.

I-Tong Chen Contents writing and editing After the visits and interviews, we gathered our records and thoughts in the web pages.This let me deeply comprehend the hardship of being an artist.Just because of their persistence and passion that let the Chinese opera art to be developed continuously.

Rong-Ling Shen

Information gathering and sorting out

I feel that Chinese opera is very interesting, with various costume, properties, facial make-up, and instruments, as well as the performing skills of the actors.These are all discoveries of the rich Chinese opera art after my contacts.With the learning, I have the beautiful memories.

I-Lin Song

Contents writing and editing

I learned a lot about computer knowledge and web page making.Although we encountered lots of problems, but eventually we worked together to solve them one by one.I learned the problem solving.

Yen-Chiu Fang

Contents writing and editing

Through this project, I found out the merits of each member, and the sharing we had.We learned from one another.And through our interactions,we know how to be more effective to making the web pages..

Wuan-Xin Sun

Information gathering and sorting out

After the efforts of all these months, we finally accomplished the web page.Although I felt that just couple days past, but the efforts we made were much greater than we thought.

Lin-Zhen Lin

Data examination

This is my first time participate in the contest.I learned plenty knowledge and the rare experience, and making good friends.

Information group


Shih-Iu Huang

Sorting out pictures and web page and art work

In the beginning, I was somewhat nervous, because I really did not know what research project was.Fortunately, teachers taught us patiently, and I gradually knew how to accomplish the contents.I felt glad.

Wen-Xuan Chang

Making web page and art work

In the process, I learned a lot of knowledge and making many friends.We worked together and cooperated to accomplish the webpage.It is my biggest rewards.

Ze-U Chen

Making web page and Questionnaire design

I am glad that mom and dad supported me to join the contest.The subject is about Chinese opera, I learned many things about it.Especially, I personally interviewed the director and actor, and experienced the performance and make-up.It is a terrific learning journey.

I-Jie Huang

Sorting out pictures and art work

Participating in the CyberFair, I learned how to employ research method and the importance of cooperation.For a good web site takes many people to accomplish.

Jing Wu

Film production and file sorting out

I am honored to participate in the project of CyberFair.I believe that I learned a lot of knowledge in the contest, and cultivated relationships with schoolmates, and further enhanced my recognition of web page.

Li-Mei Xu

Making web page and counter check

I am honored to participate in the contest that I am benefited from it.I learned the skills to make web page, and knew more about Chinese opera.I wish to learn more.

Yun-Xiang Cai

Making web page and art work

I learned the techniques of making web page and using various kinds of software.I also enhanced the friendship with the teammat,Iwish that we will win good grades in the contest.

Activity group 

Ia-Yu Qiu

Recording, taking photos and propaganda

In the research process, we often gathered data outdoors, and spent time in sorting out them.In addition, we had school homework to do, so we had to scarify spare time.Although it is hard, but I feel life is worthwhile.

Ze-Wui Gao

Questionnaire design and Interview sorting out

Participating in the project let me learn plenty knowledge, such as computer application, interview design, data collection and so on.I believe it will be very helpful in the future.

Jia-Sheng Yang

Photos taking and Interview sorting out

I am glad to work together with everybody in the activity.It is an unusual precious learning experience. Especially in the learning process, we contacted different people and things to experience the pleasure of Chinese opera.

Nian-Zhen Shih

Questionnaire design and Interview sorting out

In this project,I learned how to do interview, collect and sorting out data.In the process, we met many difficulties, but overcame them one by one.

Xie-Yu Lin

Photos taking and Interview sorting out

This activity allowed me to know the related knowledge of Chinese opera.I learned a lot from visiting the Guoguang Opera Company.Thank for the efforts of everybody, and wish to have the opportunity to study on this topic in the future.

Cai-Tong Chen

Questionnaire design and Interview sorting out

In the research process,I learned a lot about computer and interview techniques.And I had better cooperation relationship with schoolmates.I further knew about the skills of sorting out data.

Ze-Sheng Gao

Preparation of interview equipments and liaison

I learned a lot from making of the Project.Our team work together to accomplish all the tasks and overcome difficulties.







































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