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Through professional theatric workers to create stage with multi-changes.

Blending Modern technology to Increase Staging Changes


The initial traditional Chinese opera stage was simply “one table and two chairs,” with one curtain.The simplicity of stage space intends to leave to actors to perform.Along with the rapid development of technology and constant improvement of facilities, the Chinese opera stage began to change its tricks.There are big circling stage, computer lighting, and dry icy spraying frost and so on, that let the stage become poetic and drawing-like, dreamy and fantastic.In addition, there are various symphony, ethnic music and popular music involved.Through inviting professional theater workers to design stage art and introducing high-tech elements such as sound, lighting, and electricity, the art performance with multi-visual effects began to appear on the stage.

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Changes of stage lighting and setting bring visual stimulations.

Holding Stage Innovation and Detail-performance

Section-chief Ms. Chang, responsible for art performance, music, costume design in the Guoguang Opera Company, considered that Chinese opera would adjust the pace along the trends.With involvement of professional team, increase of production fee, changes of stage lighting and setting, the magnificent stage and visual stimulation will bring the stage new atmosphere, and attract many young audiences.This is the fruits of innovation.However, Mr. Chang thought that although pursuing newness and change is a merit, but still certain details needed to be paid attention to.If only for the purpose of increasing sound effect to let the actors to cope with symphony, sometimes, the knocking sounds of the brand are over-lauded.In fact, it would affect the singing of the actors, and became counter-effect.Furthermore, the design of lighting has to be careful.For example, if the lighting was too dimmed, although it showed beautiful effect to the performance, but the audiences down the stage would feel difficult to see clearly the performance of the actors.And the actors would walk through along the design of the lighting; various movements were controlled by the lighting that will limit the performance.

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Staff behind the audience seats responsible for the sound effect .


Therefore, Section-Chief Chang expresses that for each design of the performance, no matter how splendid the stage was, or even bold new way of expression, the production team will pay attention to the details every time, not to let the innovation effect discounted.In so doing, the momentum of Chinese opera development will be continued.

Reference: interviewed with Section-Chief Ms.U-Hua Chang of the Guoguang Opera Company
Source of the photos: provided and authorized Guoguang Opera Company

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