
Combining Various Bands in both Literary and Martial Setting of the Chinese Opera to Represent Multi-flavors

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to join symphony to represent various music effects.

The music of traditional Chinese opera is known as “literary and martial setting” music based on the percussion music with drum and thunder and string instruments for choir.Section-Chief U-Hua Chang, responsible for art performance of the Guo-Guang Opera Company, considers in order to cope with the change of time, the Company has to constantly try out to allow new elements blending into Chinese opera.In order to represent modern performance, Chinese opera began to cooperate with cross-border.Among them, the innovative music design began to join bands playing by symphony, Chinese music, and percussion music and so on, wishing to bring more newness and modernity to the audience.


Guo-Guang Opera Company first employed symphony to co-play the music was on the performance of “Sunlight After Snowfall” at the National Drama Theater.It was primarily played by Chinese opera actors, and accompanied many Western opera professional actors to represent the interaction of Chinese and Oriental new face.In the cooperation of band and the singing vocals, there was multi different performance.By using the strength of tension in symphony band, the show represents various musical effects.In addition,in order to let the theater had break-through performance, it first tried to join Ju Percussion Group and tap dance, by using western instruments to strike the oriental thoughts and feelings.By using the multi-changeful music colors and strong contrast of the percussion music to represent dramatic tension, the play wished to bring the audience 3D audio enjoyment.

Actors Coping with the Bands Harmoniously, Arousing many Encores

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Various music bands bring enthusiasm of new elements to Chinese opera.


There could be plenty forms for symphony, Chinese music, percussion to perform along the Chinese opera.By doing so, we realized that the performing art of Chinese opera has been changing and transforming.However, how the vocals of actors cope with various different music.Section-chief Chang considers prior to the performance, actors should study thoroughly to the music of the kind of opera, and especially pay attention to the cooperation of both vocal “interpretation of the sound expression” and “accompanied music.”Based on this, actor may further cope with the bands with harmony.In addition, members of the band also must carefully read the play before performance to understand the sound, expression, and lyrics of the actors to cope with the performance to the best.Section-chief Chang told us with confidence, in recent years, Guoguang Opera Company has constantly launched new plays.Although it tried the performance form of cross music concert; however, in terms of music creation, it strived to hold the opera performance with “modern in the tradition, modern without losing tradition” to let the traditional opera continue forever.

Reference: interviewed with Section-Chief Ms. U-Hua Chang of the Guoguang Opera Company
Source of the photos: provided and authorized Guoguang Opera Company

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